Arrived at Barry, Wales aboard the USS Marine Raven, debarked 2 NOV 1944.
Boarded train there and proceeded to Delamere Park Camp, 1 mile NW of Cuddington Station, England.
Battalion quartered there until departing for continent. Embarked 7 JAN 1945 at Southampton, England.
Debarked at Le Havre, France 9 JAN 1945. Entrained to Camp Twenty Grand SW of Duclair, France.
Entrained again after sweating it out for a week on salmon and cheese for Ukange, France.
Departed by truck for Delheim, Luxembourg 20 JAN 1945. Assigned to Third Army, attached to 12th Corps, further attached to 42nd Cavalry Sqdn of 2nd Calvary Group.
Relieved of attachment to 42nd Cavalry Sqdn and attached to 1137th Engr. C. Group 3 MAR 1945 at Wecker, Luxembourg.
17 MAR 1945 placed in direct support of 11 Armored Div. east of Bitburg, Germany.
Relieved of support to 11th Armored Div. 24 MAR 1945 at Undenheim, Germany.
Crossed the Rhine river 25 MAR 1945.
Placed in direct support of 4th Armored Div. until relieved 31 MAR 1945 near Lauterback, Germany.
Relieved of support of the 4th Armored Div. and attachment to 1137th Engr. C. Group 31 MAR 1945.
Attached to 1135th that date. Relieved attachment to 1135th Engr. C. Group.
Attached to the 1137 Engr. C. Group at Herbstein, north of Gedern, Germany 7 APR 1945, being relieved of this support 22 APR 1945 and made direct support of 26th Infantry Div. that date at Kaltenbrunn, Germany.
Remained in support of 26th until termination of war and relieved 12 MAY 1945.
285th Engr. C. Bn. Photos
Center: Battalion Commander
Lt. Col. John Gottschalk.
Gulino just right of center
Joe Gulino
William Leunig
Nicholas Zillas
B Company
Personnel Section
Irving Kahan, Company Clerk (far left)
Laird (far right)
John Elliot, Radio Rep...
Personnel Section
Laird, Carrig, Kahan, Luoma and Klenow
Personnel Section
Carrig, Kahan and Laird
Nicholas Zillas
Joe Gulino in jeep June 1944 Camp Campbell
3-Buddies Cohen, Eddie, Joe
Joe Gulino 1944 or 45
Waiting to be shipped to port of Embarkation Joe Gulino 2nd from right 1944
Josephine, Joe, Sal Gulino Brooklyn NY
Yolanda, Joe, baby Joanne Gulino 9-10-1944 furlough before shipping out
Joe Gulino - Right shoulder arms!
Joe Gulino - Resting before going on retreat 20 APR 1944
Joe Gulino - Port arms
Joe Gulino
Joe Gulino - unknown location
Joe Gulino - Germany
Joe Gulino
Joe Gulino and buddies
Joe Gulino
Joe Gulino
Joe Gulino
Joe Gulino and buddies
Joe Gulino
Joe Gulino Regensburg Germany 1945
Brothers Sal (2 purple hearts) and Joe Gulino Sept 1944
Joe Gulino
Brothers Sal (2 purple hearts) and Joe Gulino Sept 1944
Unknown from Gulino collection
Joe Gulino - Chow time!
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson and unknowns
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson
T/5 Dale Diller, 285th Radio Operator, shown during ASTP at John Tarleton Agricultural
College 1943
Unknown soldiers and T/5 Leo Rippy
A Company in Waldbredimus. S/SGT Alton Ainsworth is on the right side, the others are so far unkno...
A Company: Herbert Jacobsen
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson
HQ Company
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson at Zeppelin Field
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson at Zeppelin Field
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson at Zeppelin Field
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson
HQ Company
HQ Company
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson on right side, others unknown
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson
HQ Company
HQ Company
HQ Company
HQ Company - Stift Schlägl Monastery in Austria
HQ Company - Passau, Germany
HQ Company a power plant Kachlet near Passau, Germany
HQ Company - Passau, Germany
HQ Company
HQ Company
HQ Company
HQ Company: T/5 Dean Nelson back right, others unknown
HQ Company
C Company - Camp Campbell, KY 1944
C Company - SGT Howard Pepple
SGT Blaine Rabbers
SGT Blaine Rabbers
H&S Company: T/Sgt. William G. Leunig of Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY, servicing a jeep somewhere in Germa...
H&S Company: T/Sgt. William G. Leunig of Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY, re-enacting his jeep repair 60 year...
A Company: T/5 Santi Russo at FT Dix
A Company: T/5 Santi Russo in Germany in front of the A Company CP
285th Engr. C. Bn. Documents
285th History - 1944
285th History - 1945
285th Organizational History
XII Corps General Order 37
Bronze Star Medal List
2nd Cavalry Map
Used as Infantry here
2nd Cavalry After Action Report
2nd Cavalry After Action Report
Infantry Training Luxembourg
9th TD Group (pg. 18)
285th History MAY '45
285th History SEPT '45
S3 Journal - May '45
1990 Reunion
285th Battle Map
Drawn by Bill Lee
Brief History
Command Post Locations
Camp Crowder
The War As I Knew It
The two untested Engineer Battalions are the 284th and 285th
Assigned to UK Base, 1944
Zillas V-Mail
285th Engr. C. Bn.
V.A. Curry - C Company
June 1945 Unit Report
July 1945 Unit Report
General Order no. 114 Ardennes Battle Credit
General Order no. 116 Central Europe Battle Credit